jeudi 17 avril 2014

HIPSTER lesson number 1

Dear reader,

I'm ready to write my second article. I'm gonna try to be more FLAMBOYANT and bold cause yes people, I've got someone judging me up there, he's scary as hell, making fun of me all day long, but I'm a strong girl and he can't unsettle me. AS IF! 

Ok joking aside, I decided to talk about the HIPSTER movement invading our little world with their way of being, thinking, dressing, eating and living. The thing is people don't have an exact idea of what a hipster is, so I'm gonna try to investigate and give you few lessons split in several articles. 

For those who want to chill out in a lounge smoking pipe dating a soft Janis Joplin girl mixed to an innocent & sensual Jane Birkin and others looking for a stylish "dandy" only if the mustache doesn't bother you, open your ears. 

Lesson 1. Dress like a Hipster 

Basically, the hipsters like to stand out showing their differences, they try to make it different with hats, glasses, colourful socks, patterns, platforms shoes, different materials (leather, denim, straw, fur...). Their biggest secret is to mix the old (second hand shop clothes) with the new.

The female hipster : 
She has wild and messy long hair, forget the layered cut and red hair (so 2000's) give way to neutral colors.  She wears a flowered shirt buttoned up, a tight and high waist black jean, a pair of creepers or platforms shoes, a hat (with a words or sentence on it, the meaning doesn't really matter) and a pair of glasses (Terry Richardson style). 
She rocks and "rolls" on the street with her skateboard (usually under her arm because she is not really good at it) and a backpack. 
Even though the hipster lives in the city, the laziest ones can be the owner of a vespa or a vintage Fiat 500 (daddy's present). 
Watch out your eyebrows ladies, let it be thick but look after it. Bye bye eyeliner, mascara and eyeshadows give a shot to your mouth and light up your face with blush. 


The male hipster: 
Oh boy, he has THE haircut, this is essential. Their hair are quite long (for fellas) but not brushed like James Dean the hipster doesn't wash his hair more than once a week. Indeed, oily hair look wilder. He has shorter hair on the side of his skull, and messy hair on the top but unfortunately (or not) you barely see it cause he likes hats.  Hell yea, he LOVED that, every type, every shape, every color and he loves dating hipster so the couple can  "share" hats (romantic right?), that's also economical during winter (Damn I should date a hipster!). 
Then after the hair, the face. The hipster sport a beautiful mustache, beard or WORSE sideburns. Even though he sees perfectly, he is wearing small round glasses. 

His outfit could be a wheel sweater with cats on it (I am not lying: a tight pair of jeans and a pair of vans sneakers (used). An alternative way of dressing would be the famous lumberjacks shirt with straps, a "chino" trousers hem at the bottom, funny socks and loafers or derby shoes. 

                          TERRY AND CARA

Here it is, my first hipster lesson about fashion. I was harsh but people take it with a pinch of salt. Hope you liked it, feel free to comment. 

Au revoir. 

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