lundi 19 mai 2014

Parce qu'écrire c'est hurler sans bruit

Ce jour est assez spécial pour moi, c’est mon anniversaire. Je me suis levée ce matin en ouvrant la lettre d’une précieuse amie, j’ai ouvert ma porte et ma colocataire avait déposé sur mes escaliers des cadeaux et une lettre me laissant sans mots, m’électrisant des pieds à la tête.

Comme à mon habitude, des larmes ont pris la fuite pour rouler sur mes joues. Quand je suis sortie de chez moi, j’ai vu toutes ces montagnes autour de moi, je suis à Cape town, j’ai 24 ans aujourd’hui et je suis heureuse, comblée et vraiment bien dans ma peau.
Mes jours ne sont pas tous roses et je me rends de plus en plus compte à quel point je suis émotionnelle et sentimentale. Je prends les choses très à cœur, je ressens tout ce que je vis et ça me bouleverse. J’ai pleuré de débordement, je me suis trouvée désarmée, tremblante et brulante face à des émotions qui devaient s’exprimer.
J’ai toujours vécu ma vie intensément et fait les choses que j’avais envie de faire, sans regarder autour de moi, sans écouter les autres. Aujourd’hui je me rends simplement compte que mes choix étaient les bons.

J’ai pleuré parce que j’ai 24 ans aujourd’hui et que ma vie est magique et passionnante. Ça n’a pas de prix, ce n’est pas mesurable.
Les larmes pour moi sont ma façon de faire sortir cette tornade s’agitant dans mon ventre me donnant envie de crier. Au final, la joie et la tristesse sont des éternels meilleurs amis, on ne peut ressentir l’un sans l’autre.
 Je ne suis pas de ces personnes qui aiment la stabilité et l’équilibre. Ma vie est une montagne russe avec des hauts et des bas. Ma vie est un feu ardant qui réchauffe et qui brûle. Ma vie est fait de terrassements inexpliqués, de crash dont je réchappe toujours, de moments d’extases, d’orgasmes me projetant au côté de Zeus.

J’espère, avoir le courage, de maintenir ce chemin jusqu’à la fin. J’espère ne pas baisser les bras et continuer de prendre des risques. On donne tellement d’importance à l’amour dans notre société mais je vous promets, que ce que j’ai ressenti ce matin, c’était fantastique. Ma drogue, mon adrénaline, c’est la vie telle que je la vois, telle que je la vis.

A l’intérieur, je ressens des explosions, des émotions incroyables, uniques et magiques. Certains rêvent de voler, d’autres rêvent du grand amour, moi je ne rêve de rien, je vis mes rêves. C'est banal et facile à dire, mais sortez de votre zone de confortabilité, vous comprendrez. Je ne suis pas prête à vivre et partager ma vie avec quelqu'un. Personne ne m'a jusqu'ici prouvé que le bonheur s'écrivait à deux, j'aime me donner la main et m'emmener au vent. J'aime pouvoir ressentir ce qui n'est décrit nulle part.

Merci à toutes les personnes qui contribuent à ce bonheur. J'ai certes été créatrice de ces opportunités et malgré mon pessimisme et mon acceptation de mon éternelle solitude, certains êtres humains sont des cadeaux du ciel, certaines rencontres vous bouleversent. Je me sens aujourd’hui bénie, et ce sentiment est PUTAIN de bon.

mercredi 14 mai 2014

5 smartphones for less than R2000

Can you survive without your smartphone? We all experienced a phoneless situation. An oversight or the battery betrayal, we all feel lost without it.
We realized how addicted we are to our phone when even though we don’t have it with us or the battery is empty we always look for it

Indeed, Smartphones invaded the market. From the high school student addicted to Snapchat and Instagram to the businessman 24/7 connected to his network, it became a NEED. Many well-known brands developed their own smartphones but the blast of the market was an opportunity for companies to develop their own models matching with a proper strategy. I’m going to list 5 android smartphones available for less than R2000 on the market. Some are from big and well-known brands, some from emerging companies.

1.     Samsung Galaxy Trend (S7560)

This Samsung is a low-end smartphone with Android 4.0 and it costs R2000. Its 4 inches screen offers a wonderful colour experience peculiar to Samsung phones. The ChatOn app enables users to share media content and organized chatting group. Users can easily for instance explain an itinerary drawing it directly during a video call.
The phone fits with a 5 megapixel camera equipped with a LED flash as well as a VGA captor for the front Visio. The internal storage capacity is 4 Go but it is possible to extend it with a 32 Go micro SD card. 

2.     CS Blackberry 8520
Perfect to stay in contact with friends, the blackberry 8520 costs only R1100. Its device ease the email reception and exchange attached documents on live. The Black Berry messenger chat brought together a real community. Really easy to use, this phone has a 2.3-inch screen and an intuitive interface; the browsing is easy and flowing thanks to the optical track pad.

3.     HAWUAI Y300
For only R1800 you can enjoy a 4-inch LCD screen with 16 million colours. This phone is equipped with a high quality camera enabling a high quality recording. Ergonomic there are available in several colours to match different taste. The consumers underline the flowing spec and its intuitive side. The Chinese brand is well known to launch a product without spending money in press and advertising, the result being, more money in the consumer’s pocket due to a cheapest product.

4.     Acer Liquid Z4 Duo
This phone costs R1410 and has a 4-inch screen. It would suit to users wishing a good quality camera and a fast Internet browsing. Indeed, the Acer Liquid Z4 Duo has a 5-megapixel auto-focus camera with a LED flash.  Pretty slim, its thickness is 9,7 mm so it fits perfectly in the palm of the hand. Very intuitive, its front speaker boosted by DTS Sound will let you amazed. Very elegant and available with 4GB internal storage, this product is a very good value for money.

5.     Dream ignite II Dream Mobile
With a 4-inch retina screen this phone enables to watch videos and movies on a high quality display. For R1499 have an access to all the android’s apps. The 3.2-megapixel camera offers the possibility to capture everything surrounding you. Developing their own portal, the company adapted its product to the South African market. You can find then all the best South African apps and videos. It’s the first smartphone designed for South African customer.    

The « low-cost » Smartphones market is booming. For now, no brands succeed in developing a high performance cost effective smartphone. Either company are focusing on the quality of the camera, either on the sound, either on the flow…The emerging brand « dream mobile » is slowly entering the market, they found a good balance between a cost effective product and high performances.

lundi 5 mai 2014

What does the" hipster" eat?

Lesson 2 -
If you wanna be a real "hipster" you know NOW (thanks to me) how to dress. Here is the second lesson, open your eyes (I know your glasses are useless).

First thing you need to know, when "hipsters" used to eat something becoming (too) "mainstream" then they change their habits... (Yes, they are smart).

Totally "IN" currently, the burger has been revisited by hipsters. Weird huh? Indeed, this kind of food is usually associated to junk food and fast food (Actually everything is about marketing and packaging, if you wanna make "hipster corn beef" then you just need to work out everything around it). Of course, nothing to do with the famous Big Mac from McDonalds. Say goodbye to fat cheddar cheese and oily beef, those one are made with special breads -ciabatta, poppies bread, olive bread- and special ingredients like rocket, goat cheese, honey, nuts, dry tomatoes, pesto, mozzarella, brie (and so on) and real fresh meat.

"Hipster" are big fans of organic food and some of them are vegetarian. The most brave have their own hens (fresh eggs) and have a garden where grow vegetables. They drink tea -and everything  made of tea like green tea muffin- indeed George Clooney doesn't really target "hipsters". They really like sushi as well although it became mainstream and popular, they always find this special place making food in a hipster way (food trucks are the best). 

Finally, the hipster is a big fan of desert, especially because they like to Instagram it adding old-school filters, "sound so coooool!" They like homemade desert, tartes, muffins, cupcakes, smoothies... They are fond of brunch without even knowing that's the contraction between breakfast and lunch. 

For those who live in Cape town, basically you will find everything I've just said at the old biscuit mill market in Woodstock (I LOVE THIS MARKET, I have to tell you, I'm a bit of a hipster myself...). 


Gallantry - respect or sexism ?

Gallantry: polite attention or respect given by men to women

When I was in Sweden I experienced real equality between men and women. Without even noticing it, in France there are many "mysoginistic" habits. I wanna talk about gallantry or chivalry. Indeed, in my country and in many others, some rules are following by people. Those rules come from the past and History, but have you ever think about it ?

Being a gentlemen means to pay the bill at the end of dinner, open the car door, help ladies to hold heavy things. Guys are suppose to hold the door to ladies and let them go on first.If you go to Sweden don't expect a guy to hold the door for you or let you in first in an elevator. You can judge him for having rude manners but the thing is that over there, they don't have those kind of mores. 

I don't know if you realised it, but there are many "little" things a guy can offer to a woman like flowers and chocolate. Of course you can make happy your boyfriend but it's always harder to find something "small" for boys (I still have something in mind...).

I think everything comes from the past and when women used to stay at home. Indeed, husbands brought gift to their wives at the end of the day either to apologise to come back late from work or simply to please them and make them happy. Same thing for not sharing the bill at the restaurant, women didn't work, guys could afford it.  

Nowadays, Men and Women are socially equal but in my opinion it's more a matter of seduction than sexism. That's the way father raised their sons. Moreover, almost every guys are following those manners so it would be awkward to be the only one transgressing the rules. I don't like when guys pay the bill at the end of a date but I found it stupid to split it as well. 

Here is the thing guys, if you go on a date with me one night, I would insist to pay the bill. If you refuse and I leave you pay, that's because I like you and I will see you again ( So I could pay for you this time). In the opposite case, I would split the bill cause I'm not gonna leave someone to pay if I won't ever see him again. 

Many craps happen on the planet. In my country, I totally have the same right than a man (on the paper at least). In many countries, there is still gender discrimination. I won't fight for something as cute as gallantry, so guys keep doing it ! 
