jeudi 24 avril 2014

This weird world called Facebook

Why are we addicted to Facebook? Who are those people we used to call « friends ». Ask yourself a question « how many friends do you really have » and I’m not talking about buddies and pals, I’m talking about reaaal friends.

I’m not surprised to see my « friends » posting their entire life on Facebook, it became normal, usual. The thing is that now, people can’t keep for themselves what they are doing or did cause it’s so much better to show to the entire world that your life is awesome and magical and that you are a very active person who does tons of interesting stuff. Have you experienced this feeling when you see the number of likes increasing from one hour to the next? It seems so cool to have 100 persons liking your profile picture, but what does that mean exactly? Does it make you happier?

Maybe 50% of your Facebook friends are just curious and keep you as a “friend” to see your boyfriend ‘s face and check on your life, see and show to all the former student from high school how you got fat since you moved in with your boy right in front of McDonalds and pizza planet. 

I am so much happier to call my friend to tell them I saw a beautiful sunset on Easter Sunday (and yes I did) than posting it on Facebook and waiting to see if my crush likes this (I’m sure you know what I mean).

Of course nobody’s perfect and we all have weaknesses. I don’t think Facebook is a stupid network, I just think that we have to watch out the purpose of all our post and PLEASE people, we don’t care about what you were eating last night.

Don’t envy your Facebook friend (Over 33% of Facebook users report feeling unhappy during their visit. Envying Facebook “friends” is the major reason for the unhappiness). Try to be honest with yourself, to enjoy simple moment and keep for yourself deep in your heart memories and feelings. It will feed you much more than posting and sharing it on Facebook.


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