A good friend is someone you call in the middle of the night and answer your call, listen to you, give you advice and calm you down. A friend is someone who's gonna cross a continent to join you and spend awesome time with you. That person ask for your news frequently, she/he knows everything about your life, every little details. You don't need to ask her/him for help, she/he just feels it when something's wrong and comes to you naturally. Furthermore, he/she'd prefer spend a night with you than with her/his boy/girlfriend. A friend is above all, someone who share your passions, you interests, opinions and ideas... A friend is always honest and respectful, keep secrets and accept your weaknesses. She/he knows you favorite color and favorite meal, what movie makes you cry and the name of all your exes.
Well people, everything I just said is bull**** !
People always want perfect friends but nobody's perfect. Being tolerant (once again this notion come up) is the most important thing in every relationship. Even though we're all human (already read that somewhere) we're all different. We don't think and react the same way and we don't have the same expectations. No one is always honest and respectful. We all have weaknesses and don't know what to do in every situations.
For example, I've already said, often, "I'd never do that to her", yourself as well right ?
Well, that's the most intolerant sentence in the world. It doesn't mean that because a friend did a thing you'd never have done that she/he is a bad person and especially a bad friend.
We're selfish by nature and that's not being pessimistic but realistic. Nobody is willing to consecrate time to your happiness. We've our own backgrounds, relationships, problems and to expect someone to react the same way you would is being narrow-minded and beat yourself up. I know it's hard to think that way and not being disappointed when a friend don't match with your expectations.
We didn't choose our friends because they were attentive and kind. We chose them because they make us laugh, we shared experiences together, we hang out with them and enjoy it. A friendship isn't something flat, that's a roller coaster cause life change, ours and theirs as well.
So okay, sometimes it's hard (but aka Coldplay - nobody said it was easy-) cause two close friends can be in different places. One of them can be lonely and need more than ever her/his BFF while the other has just a busy life. But guys, really, does not mean she/he forgot about you and doesn't love you anymore. It's just a matter of changes. Things CHANGE and to live in the past or to go on about it, won't fix anything and make it easier. We just have to be strong, learn how to live like that and move forward.
"Someone who stop learning is a dead man." We do learn everyday, every week and that for the rest of our life. Don't think people's life is better than yours, stop looking around. You're the "master of your fate", don't give up on happiness. I'm not a believer but I still pray, to get focused on my goals, to think of my deepest wishes, to send strength and love to all the persons I love. Even though they don't know it, it makes me happy. I don't think of the utility of everything, and you should stop doing it as well.
To sum up, a good friend doesn't exist but a true friend, YES! Someone with who you shared amazing moments of life and have comon memories. Someone with who you forget everything because you can't stop laughing. Someone you admire cause she/he has something you don't. Someone real, S O M E O N E ... And the good news is, you don't have a limit amount of friend in your life, the next one is maybe right next to you, just open your eyes and be open.
I deeply thought to all my friends while writing this article. I wrote it for someone I love, someone important to me. Not a friend but more than that. And I would like her to try to understand those things. I am not here to give you a lesson or teach you life, far from that. It's just my way to help, put things into perspective and show you I care. I'll keep praying for everybody I love and think to the others lonely soul on earth.